Arduino esp8266 wire library reference
Arduino esp8266 wire library reference

Serial communication with ESP8266 works similar to Arduino. Syntax: detachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (pin)) detachInterrupt ( ): This function is used to disables the external given interrupts.Mode: LOW, HIGH, CHANGE, RISING, FALLING. ISR: Interrupt Service Routine request interrupt to hardware. Syntax: attachInterrupt (digitalPinToInterrupt (pin), ISR, mode) attachInterrupt ( ): This is a function is used to use digital pins with interrupts.noInterrupts ( ): This function is used to disable the interrupt function that allows performing the important task by disrupting the flow of the execution of the sketch.This function is also used to re-enables interrupts after disabled by nointerrupt function. interrupts ( ): This function is used to perform some important task by disrupting the flow of the execution of the sketch.Return: Duration of pulse in microseconds Interrupts Function

arduino esp8266 wire library reference

  • pulseInLong ( ): This function is alternative of pulseIn( ) which is used to handle long pulses effectively.
  • Return: Duration of pulse in microseconds Timeout: time in microseconds to wait to start pulse Value: status of the pulse to read HIGH or LOW Read a pulse from 10 microseconds to 3 minutes duration long.

    arduino esp8266 wire library reference arduino esp8266 wire library reference

    pulseIn ( ): This function is used to read pulse HIGH or LOW on a pin.Syntax: shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder, value)ĬlockPin: pin to toggle when dataPin set to correct value. shiftOut ( ): This function is a software implementation used to shift out a byte of data one bit at a time.Syntax: byte incoming = shiftIn(dataPin, clockPin, bitOrder)ĬlockPin: pin to toggle to signal a read from input pin.īitOrder: order to shift LSBFIRST or MSBFIRST shiftIn ( ): This function is a software implementation used to shift in a byte of data one bit at a time.

    Arduino esp8266 wire library reference